Missouri Department of Conservation Director (MDC) Sara Parker Pauley (left), Sen. Roy Blunt (middle) and MDC Commissioner Barry Orscheln (right) at French Bottom Access near St. Joseph, MO.
Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, passed in the House in June 2022 and is expected to go to a vote in the Senate in mid-November. This legislation has had broad support, but still needs a final push to get it to the President’s desk. Missouri’s Senator Roy Blunt is one of two co-sponsors of this legislation. Here is a link to the other senators supporting this legislation. Please send these visionary lawmakers a thank you for supporting this critical legislation. If your senator has not yet supported the legislation, please send them a note to ask them to do so, while there’s still time. Find your senator at: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm
U.S. Senators Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) co-sponsored the Restoring America’s Wildlife Act in June 2021. The vision: to restore and protect delicate and declining species of concern in all states by providing funding to restore habitat and recover wildlife populations. This landmark legislation could prove to be a game changer in the conservation efforts of America and is closer than ever before to the finish line!
“Protecting habitats and wildlife is not only important to states like Missouri – with some of the best hunting, fishing, and outdoor recreation in the country – it’s important to communities all across the nation. By encouraging states, territories, and Tribes to make significant contributions to voluntary conservation efforts, we can preserve our nation’s wildlife for future generations.”
-Sen. Roy Blunt
The Restoring America’s Wildlife Act is critical to providing the needed resources for state and tribal wildlife action plans. Please take action to let your senator know that you support this legislation and the resources it provides and ask them to support it as well.