How Can I Give?
To support our efforts and resources, please consider a donation to Deep Roots. You can donate in the following ways:
Online: click here to reach our online donation platform.
By mail: Send your donation to Deep Roots to P.O Box 32131, Kansas City, MO, 64171.
Why Deep Roots?
Over the past year, Deep Roots has seen a tremendous amount of success, thanks to our fantastic partners and supporters. Deep Roots supports the planting of and education about native landscapes in the Kansas City Area. From sold out workshops to demonstration gardens to regional conferences, Deep Roots has seen a lot of growth. It is our mission to encourage the use and appreciation of native plants in the Heartland.
Native landscapes are at the foundation of our wellbeing. Native plants clean our air and filter our water. Their deep roots capture carbon and reduce flash floods. Native plants support insects which pollinate our food supplies. Native landscapes do this work for free; we just need to plant them.
Our programs expand the use of the native plants that are essential for a healthy planet. Your donation will ensure our continued work.
Why Giving Tuesday?
Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement, unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and their world. Giving Tuesday will kick off the generosity season this year by inspiring people to give back on Tuesday, December 3rd, and throughout the year.
Giving Tuesday was launched in 2012 as a simple idea: To create a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past seven years, this idea has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity”.
This kickoff to the holiday season is the perfect time to contribute. To learn more about Giving Tuesday participants and activities or to join the celebration of giving, visit www.givingtuesday.org.