Large Landscapes
Invasive Species in Large Landscapes
Linda Lehrbaum, program manager at KC Wildlands reviews invasive species in large landscapes and some techniques to manage them.
Virtual Prairie Visit
Enjoy a social distancing spring walk on the prairie from the comfort of home.
Big Bull Creek Park
Big Bull Creek Park: Success stories, lessons learned, and bird’s-eye-view footage of the site.
Native Plants at Noon On The Road – Episode Nineteen
Berrier Conservation Area
Speaker: Andy Carmack, private lands manager
Description: Native Plants at Noon on the Road took a virtual “tour” of the Dr. Harry & Lina Berrier Conservation Area in Cass County. This treasured prairie is bursting with grasses, forbs, and amazing pollinators Andy Carmack, Private Land Conservationist, with the Missouri Department of Conservation, highlighted the forbs and grasses we can enjoy and helped us understand what steps they take to make this a successful prairie….and how we can too!
Out on the Prairie with Larry: Exploring a Reconstructed Prairie
Speaker: Larry Rizzo, Biologist, Habitat Architects
Out on the Prairie with Larry: Exploring a Remnant Prairie
Speaker: Larry Rizzo, Biologist, Habitat Architects
Photo Credit: Courtney Celley/USFWS.
Removing the Dreaded Callery Pear
Speakers: Ryan Armbrust, KS Rural Forestry Program Coordinator and Matt Garrett, Natural Resources Manager