Photos: Monarda didyma and native grasses in Brooklyn Bridge Park (photo: Grace Suh). Brown-Headed Nuthatch (photo: Adobe Stock)

Plan It Native, the Deep Roots annual native landscapes conference, is just around the corner, February 11-12th. There’s a lot of goodness packed into these two full days, with something for everyone.

In addition to practical solutions for home gardens (and those who work in them), there are many topics of interest to professionals and the science-minded, including:

Public and Large Landscape topics from:

Flora/Fauna Interactions:

Learn how native plants support local native fauna with eminent local biologists:

Learn how woody plants support pollinators in two deep dives (Woody Plants and Pollinators and Forest Ecology for Naturalists) with Guy Sternberg, author of the authoritative Native Trees of North America, From the Rockies to the Atlantic. (And yes, he will be selling and signing books!)

Closing the conference, Doug Ladd’s keynote address asks the question: Can citizen-based restoration initiatives obviate ecological collapse? Promise and limits in an increasingly threatened world. A topic more urgent than ever, in this January of record wildfires and snows.

Explore these and many more topics in a community of like-minded folks. Together, we can do this. See you there!

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