Discover Native Gardening
It’s one thing to read about native plants and another to get your hands dirty and learn from the earth. Feel empowered, enjoy camaraderie, and learn seasonal skills alongside native gardening experts and enthusiasts!
Garden Tours
People like you are growing native plant gardens and habitats all over KC! Come get a peek in our monthly tours, and leave with inspiration, information and practical resources to help you grow your own. Sign up for our newsletter to get updates and schedules.
Live Webinars
Learn about our area’s native landscapes large and small, near and far, in this hosted webinar series, where you can ask questions and chat online with other native plant enthusiasts. Zoomed live on the first and third Thursdays.
The Pollinator Newsletter
Get the latest on all things Deep Roots, delivered to your inbox every month. From garden tours to plant sales, hands-on gardening workshops and guided nature walks, you’ll get the scoop in The Pollinator.
Nature Advisors
For a small fee ($50+), schedule an at-home site assessment visit with a trained consultant and receive a personalized plan with recommendations for native plant landscaping and improved wildlife habitat value.