Native Plants at Noon Free Webinar

Zoom Webinar , United States

Do you have a difficult garden condition? Native Plants at Noon on February 17 will cover many of these conditions: plants in hell strips, under or near walnut trees, and those that can tolerate salt and deer. If you have a difficult planting condition, this broadcast is for you! Deep Roots has many references to...


Supporting a Healthy Soil System for Native Plants 2.0

Zoom Webinar , United States

  Learn how to support a healthy soil system for native plant success in this webinar! Hilary Noonan, landscape architect and founder of Mad Hatter Compost Tea, discusses practical ways to create a healthy support system for your soil and native plants. In this webinar, Hilary will pick up where we left off in part...


Plan It Native Conference

PLAN IT NATIVE LANDSCAPES CONFERENCE SAVE THE DATE! Monday, September 12, 2022--Exhibit Hall and Social--Boulevard Brewery (Times TBA) Tuesday, September 13, 2022--Field Trips Kansas City and the surrounding area (Times TBD) Wednesday, September 14, 2022--First Day of Virtual Conference (noon-5:00 pm) Thursday, September 15, 2022--Second Day of Virtual Conference (noon-5:00 pm) Friday, September 16, 2022--Final...


Native Garden Management Made Simple

Zoom Webinar , United States

Join us for this series as we explore the fundamentals of native landscapes. Whether you’re a true beginner, an advanced novice, or a professional looking to fill in the gaps, this series is for you! Many thanks to Mid America Regional Council and the Health Forward Foundation for their partnership on this series! This month we...
