Native Plants at Noon Free Webinar

Zoom Webinar , United States

Do you have a difficult garden condition? Native Plants at Noon on February 17 will cover many of these conditions: plants in hell strips, under or near walnut trees, and those that can tolerate salt and deer. If you have a difficult planting condition, this broadcast is for you! Deep Roots has many references to...


Supporting a Healthy Soil System for Native Plants 2.0

Zoom Webinar , United States

  Learn how to support a healthy soil system for native plant success in this webinar! Hilary Noonan, landscape architect and founder of Mad Hatter Compost Tea, discusses practical ways to create a healthy support system for your soil and native plants. In this webinar, Hilary will pick up where we left off in part...


Native Plants at Noon Free Monthly Webinar

Zoom Webinar , United States

  Join Deep Roots and the Missouri Department of Conservation on your lunch break for a virtual garden walk! Every third Thursday at 12 pm, we’ll tour the native landscape at MDC’s Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center and other Missouri Department of Conservation sites. Guided by native landscape specialists Alix Daniel and Cydney Ross,...


Callery pear tree buyback/recall event–Kansas residents

Prairie Village Pool Parking Lot 7711 Del Mar, Prairie Village, KS, United States

April 23: Callery pear tree “buy-back/recall” in the Kansas City area, hosted by the Missouri Invasive Plant Council (MoIP), Deep Roots, Missouri Department of Conservation, Johnson County Parks & Rec. District, and Forest ReLeaf of Missouri. Note pick-up date of April 23 for Kansas residents. Participants will receive a native potted tree to replace an...


Welcoming Insects into our Gardens: And Why You Should

Zoom Webinar , United States

Join Deep Roots' guest speaker Betsy Betros, Author, entomologist, and master naturalist for our Lunch & Learn webinar series to discuss why we should be INVITING insects into our yards, instead of killing them. Betsy is an author, entomologist, master naturalist, lover of nature, and bee and butterfly guru. She will help us understand why...


Native Plants at Noon

Zoom Webinar , United States

Tour the native landscape at MDC’s Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center. Guided by native landscape specialists Alix Daniel and Cydney Ross, this program features a live look at native plants of interest throughout the year plus landscaping tips and tricks. This program is a partnership with the Missouri Department of Conservation.   Zoom registration...


Native Plants at Noon on the Road with MDC

Zoom Webinar , United States

Hit the (virtual) road with Missouri Department of Conservation staff as we explore some of Missouri’s unsung habitats. This month we explore Sand Prairie Conservation Area in southeast Missouri. Cape Girardeau nature center staff will explore these rare prairies that were formed from river channels that once flowed through the area. This program is a...


Plan It Native Conference

PLAN IT NATIVE LANDSCAPES CONFERENCE SAVE THE DATE! Monday, September 12, 2022--Exhibit Hall and Social--Boulevard Brewery (Times TBA) Tuesday, September 13, 2022--Field Trips Kansas City and the surrounding area (Times TBD) Wednesday, September 14, 2022--First Day of Virtual Conference (noon-5:00 pm) Thursday, September 15, 2022--Second Day of Virtual Conference (noon-5:00 pm) Friday, September 16, 2022--Final...


Native Plants at Noon

Zoom Webinar , United States

Tour the native landscape at MDC’s Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center. Guided by native landscape specialists Alix Daniel and Cydney Ross, this program features a live look at native plants of interest throughout the year plus landscaping tips and tricks. This program is a partnership with the Missouri Department of Conservation.   Zoom registration...


Native Plants at Noon on the Road

Zoom Webinar , United States

Hit the (virtual) road with Missouri Department of Conservation staff as we explore some of Missouri’s unsung habitats. This month we explore the wetlands of northwest Missouri. District supervisor Sean Cleary will explore wetland plants and how they are a valuable food source for millions of birds. This program is a partnership with the Missouri...
