Callery pear tree buyback/recall event–Kansas residents

Prairie Village Pool Parking Lot 7711 Del Mar, Prairie Village, KS, United States

April 23: Callery pear tree “buy-back/recall” in the Kansas City area, hosted by the Missouri Invasive Plant Council (MoIP), Deep Roots, Missouri Department of Conservation, Johnson County Parks & Rec. District, and Forest ReLeaf of Missouri. Note pick-up date of April 23 for Kansas residents. Participants will receive a native potted tree to replace an...


Removing the Dreaded Callery Pear: And Why You Should

Zoom Webinar , United States

Once considered an up-and-coming ornamental shade tree in the 1950s, the invasive Callery pear (often sold as Bradford, Chantecleer, or Cleveland Select) tree has overtaken roadways, woodlands, and grasslands.  According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, a single wild tree can spread quickly by seed and vegetative means, often forming dense thickets within several years and...
